Grove City College, PA
Bitmoji Classroom
This is a interactive Bitmoji classroom found on the website Buncee. It is a good way for teachers to engage students. A bitmoji is a 2d customizable person. You make it look like yourself and then put in the mock classroom. Though it is not a real classroom, you can choose a layout and the items you want to have in the room. You are able to embed links within items in the classroom for students to click on.
Danielson Framework
My Future Use
This tech tool fits into Domain 1 and component 1d which is titled "Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Resources." Using this tech tool fulfills all the elements under 1d, which you can find under Danielson domains, and then Domain 1 on my navigation bar.
I will use this tech tool in my classroom because it is such a fun thing for everyone. I enjoyed creating the classroom and as a former elementary/middle school student, I can assure you that most of your students will find it fun. I think it is a good way for teachers to make sure students want to learn, and the best way to do this is by teaching in a way that they are interested in.