Grove City College, PA
Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an online tool that enables teachers to upload all their materials and assignments right to their students. It is a good way to keep classrooms organized and paperless. Teachers can use this tool to have more collaboration with students and they can make posts and comments depending on teacher made settings. There are different types of assignments that can be uploaded for students to complete through Google Classroom. These can also be graded right in the classroom to save some time for teachers! Teachers can add a variety of resources to the google classroom to make learning more engaging and exciting. These resources can include educational YouTube videos, quizzes, and so much more.
We need to help students learn and Google Classroom provides a straightforward way to do so. It allows students to have all of the information for class they need and know when assignments are due. Students don’t lose papers or assignments. This is especially essential in a time when students need to have the flexibility to bounce back and forth between online and in person. It is easy to use and there are so many forms of media you can incorporate.
Google classroom is a great tool! There are so many user-friendly components to use this tool. Google Classroom is a free resource for teachers, the tool may ask you if you are associated with a school, however it is not essential to use the classroom. To start not being associated with a school, you will have a google email, and click on the Google Classroom icon. Next you click create! After creating a classroom, google is awesome in that they make it easy to navigate from there. You can add questions, topics, assignments, and more. As the educator you can also bring in outside resources. The virtual classroom will have a code to share with your students to invite them in.