Grove City College, PA
Microsoft Certification
Transform Learning with Microsoft Teams
Takeaway #1
There are 3 types of models for learning; partial opening, synchronous and separated, and rotational. Hybrid learning environment is a mix of all the models. A hybrid approach to learning builds on the successes of these models to intentionally create a learner-centered experience that is "profoundly personalized, relevant, and engaging.
Takeaway #2
Building a sense of community among students is crucial for every classroom or course section. In a hybrid model, educators create community through various experiences. Students need to feel connected to one another and to their instructor. Instructors must find a way to bridge the physical distance that separates participants by creating a class community.
Takeaway #3
The more students practice communicating in the virtual classroom, the more comfortable they'll be. Start with low-stakes collaborative activities in which students establish group norms and learn how to work together. These activities are a powerful way to ease students into larger group projects where each student has a defined role and they're each dependent on one another to complete the task.
Digital citizenship: Prepare today’s learners for online success
Takeaway #1
Just as learners are taught how to interact and contribute to the physical world, learners must also be taught the skills needed to do the same online. These digital citizenship skills serve as guiding principles; so learners use technology appropriately, safely, and responsibly. As classrooms continue to add more technology to benefit the learners, the need to model and explain proper digital uses continues to rise. With this need becoming more prevalent, digital citizenship resources are becoming increasingly available
Takeaway #2
Good digital citizens maintain awareness of how they use technology tools.It's important for learners to be mindful of how their online activities can impact their personal health and wellness, as well as other people in their physical and digital spaces. Learners need to understand that whatever is digitally posted or shared online can never truly be deleted. Every action, post, like, and comment leaves a footprint in the digital world that isn't readily forgotten. These "digital footprints" may be left behind with little thought to their future implication.
Takeaway #3
Learners should strive to be personal and authentic, yet private, online. Learners achieve this by avoiding posting sensitive information and understanding that online posts last forever. students must focus on managing a digital identity in a world with permanence, engage in positive behavior online, understand and respect intellectual property, keep personal data safe.