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Teaching Philosophy

My Aspirations as a Teacher


  • Encourage my students

  • Build their social and emotional skills, as well as academic skills

  • Be a good role model

  • Actively help them succeed

My Aspirations for my Students

  • Succeed to the best of their ability

  • Appreciate school, and hopefully enjoy it

  • Be respectful

My Methods to Reach These Goals

  • Implement centers that tie into the real world 

  • Group work to build social skills

  • allow students to use their personal interests to build their learning

  • Engaging lessons while still being academic

How I Will Assess Student Understanding

  • I will use criterion referenced grading where students will be graded based off of a fair rubric and clear directions.

  • I will be using traditional and alternative forms of assessment. Students will encounter both types in their future education so I need to prepare them.

How I will Improve My Teaching

  • I plan to take and use constructive criticism and suggestions from my students, parents, and colleagues.

  • I will be attending professional development opportunities throughout my career to continue my own learning.

Additional Considerations

  • I want to build my students to be academically, socially, and emotionally responsible students.

  • I will be striving to connect with other teachers who have more experience in the field than me.

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